In the Dominican Republic the Winter Solstice occurs around December 21st. The average maximum temperature during this month is 85° F. The average minimum temperature during this month is 69° F. The type of precipitation that likely occurs on the Winter Solstice Dominican Republic is rain fall, with an average of 3.3 inches.
The Summer Solstice in Dominican Republic occurs on June 21st. The average maximum temperature during this month is 87° F. The average minimum temperature for this month is 73 ° F. My country has a weather that is usually always sunny and warms. They experience rainfall throughout the year. Although the amount of rain differers from month to month. In June the average rainfall in Dominican Republic is about 5.5 inches. No major tropical storms or hurricanes are expected to hit Dominican Republic even though the Hurricane season has started.
Spring Equinox occurs on 20th of March in Dominican Republic. As you will notice the temperatures in Dominican republic stay between the 60's and high 80's. The average maximum temperature during this month is 85 ° F. The average minimum temperature during this month is 68° F. The type of precipitation is likely to occur on the Spring Equinox is rainfall with an average of 2.1 inches.
The Autumnal Equinox in Dominican Republic occurs in September 22nd. The average maximum temperature during this month is 89 ° F. The average minimum temperature during this month is 73 ° F. The precipitation that is likely to occur on the Autumnal Equinox is rain fall. They receive an average of 7.1 inches of rain! This is a bigger amount then in any other months because of the Hurricane season which occur in the months of June through November (during the summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox).
I would recommend to travel during the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox seasons (December-March). It's a lot more pricier to travel and the reason so is because most people are escaping the northern hemispheres freezing temperatures for a vacation. Although most of the tourist do come in during this time, it's the best weather to enjoy in Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic has fairly constant temperatures throughout the year but the seasons can affect the humidity levels.
During the Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox the temperatures are at the highest plus its very humid because these are the rainiest months in Dominican Republic and hurricane season.
There are many activities to do while you're in Dominican Republic. One of the most popular activities to do while there during the winter Solstice is whale watching. There are many whale watching tours given but the Samana has the best location to do so.
Another activities that you could enjoy is a hike or a light stroll through the national parks. These parks are large protected jungles that is home to many unique wild life. There are waterfalls and lagoons located here. One in particular is El Choco National Park which is located in the town of Cabarete.
Potential weather hazards occur mostly during the Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox. The reason why I'd recommend to travel during the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox seasons is because it's not as humid as during the summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox. As I mentioned before these months have hurricane and rainy seasons. You'd enjoy outdoor activities in a less humid environment, when its humid the temperature's feel a lot hotter.
Dominican Republic your escape to a paradise adventure awaits.
The country of my research is the Solomon Islands. The Dominican Republic and the Solomon Islands are very similar in weather patterns and temperature ranges but the only thing is that our seasons are completely switched! The Solomon Islands is just a little bit cooler with average annual temperatures ranging from 72 - 87 degrees Fahrenheit. I don't really understand the need to know the seasons of these two beautiful island nations when it is only one season all year: summer! After seeing your picture of that beautiful beach, I definitely want to head to the Dominican Republic if I am ever granted the opportunity.