Although Santo Domingo the capital of Dominican Republic's temperature is fairly constant, there are many controls that influence the temperature whether it be latitude, altitude, proximation from the ocean, the type of ocean currents that are close by, the water flows from nearby rivers, wind direction, and the time of the day.
The Dominican Republic is an island located in the West Indies, the right side of the island is the country of Dominican Republic approximately about 18,704 square miles of area and on the left side of the island is Haiti holding approximately 10,710 square miles in area. The Atlantic ocean is to the north of the island and the Caribbean Sea to the south. There is also a channel that separates the nearby island of Puerto Rico to the south of it. The capital city of Dominican Republic is Santo Domingo which is located on the south coast of the island. The latitude for Santo Domingo is 18°30′0″N and the longitude is 69°59′0″W.
The warmest month in my city is July through October with an average monthly temperature of 88.7 F.
The coldest month in my city is January to February with an average monthly temperature of 67.3 F.
Based on the information above the annual range of temperature for my city is 21 F.
Website where I found this information:,Santo-Domingo,Dominican-Republic |
Santo Domingo has an average temperature that stays constant throughout most of the year. They have tropical climate. Its hot and humid but the trade winds help keep the heat and humidity from being overwhelming. Hurricanes and rain is also created with these trade winds.
My country is located in the tropical region near the equator. my country has a fairly constant temperature and not much variation in seasons. Temperature does not drop anywhere near 55 degrees Fahrenheit. I do not think they will every have to worry about snow and the measures to deal with this type of weather.
Climate change would drastically effect my country. The rising sea level would take up the shores and coastline. Many of the highly populated and tourist cities are located along theses shores. There is a river that runs along Santo Domingo into the ocean and if there was a sudden change in the rain, like heavy rain fall, the waters would rise and causing flooding. These floods would cause sever damage and would take a lot of financing to resolve. Also the rising sea level has a potential to filter into the freshwater reserves causing the government to scramble for financing solutions.
I've learned that my country could be uncomfortably humid and hot because of it proximity to the ocean ( a water body), and the tropical location. But because of the trade winds that are coming in, it offsets this making it a bit cooler. I also found out that these trade winds have the potential to cause hurricanes and heavy rain fall.
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