Dominican Republic is a small island located in the subtropics. It's latitude and longitude are 19.0000° N, 70.6667° W. This country is located in the Northern Hemisphere. There are three atmospheric cells; the Polar, Ferrel and Hadley cell. Dominican Republic is located in the Hadley cell
It's located on the wind belt of the tropical easterlies, the wind actually blow from the north eastern winds. Its near a high subtropical pressure belt. There is warm moist air raising and descending cool dry air. Dominican Republic is below the horse latitudes that are located at 30 degrees and above the Doldrums at 0 degree latitude.
Dominican Republic has mountains. The Cordillera Septentrional on the north, Cordillera Central in the central regions, and the Sierra de Neiba de Bahoruco on the south, there are 4 major mountain ranges. There are five types of breezes or winds associated with mountains and they are the mountain and valley breezes, Chinook, Katabatic and Santa Ana Winds.
Dominican Republic has four major mountain ranges and they experience the Mountain breezes and valley breezes in these areas. The county also has coastlines as well and experience the land and sea breezes associated with these. Sea breezes are experienced during the mornings till midday. Durning this time the land is heating up at a quicker rate then the ocean water. As the air warms above the land it rises (low thermal) and expands as it reaches the top. The ocean is slowly heating so the aid above it is cool and create a thermal high. The wind flows move from the ocean to the land. When the day hits night fall the land begins to cool at a quicker rate then water. The land surface becomes a high thermal pressure area and the ocean a warm thermal low. The wind flow moves from the land to the ocean.
Wow kiribati and D.R. has very similar climates and weather. Sadly we lack mountains though, not allowing us many of the mountainous breezes. That warm weather and consistent rain gives us some beautiful locations though.